TMC LOW integration Testing guidelines
Pair wise testing / Real-SDP
Pair wise testing is way of testing the TMC code with real SDP subsystem in place. using latest test harness implemented.
Commands implemented
To test with tmc_sdp execute the command make k8s-test MARK=tmc_sdp SDP_SIMULATION_ENABLED=false.
- Testing On command on TMC with Real-SDP in place.Off
- Testing Off command on TMC with Real-SDP in place.AssignResources
- Testing AssignResources command on TMC with Real-SDP in place.ReleaseResources
- Testing ReleaseResources command on TMC with Real-SDP in place.Standby
- Testing StandBy command on TMC with Real-SDP in place.Configure
- Testing Configure command on TMC with real SDP controller and SDP Subarrays and mocked/simulated CSP and Mccs subsystems.End
- Testing End command on TMC with real SDP controller and SDP Subarrays and mocked/simulated CSP and Mccs subsystems.Scan
- Testing Scan command on TMC with Real-SDP in place.EndScan
- Testing EndScan command on TMC with Real-SDP in place.Abort
- Testing Abort command on TMC with Real-SDP in place.Restart
- Testing Restart command TMC with Real-SDP in place.
Negative Scenario implemented
HealthState.DEGRADED Scenario
Testing TMC-SDP to verification of the TelescopeHealthState transition
In the Telescope Monitoring and Control TMC system based on the health state changes of the SDP Controller.
The scenario simulates a telescope setup consisting of Real SDP, and simulated devices for the CSP and the MCCS.
Long command sequence implementation
TMC Low executes configure-scan sequence of commands successfully
- Testing TMC-SDP long sequence for configure-scan functionality by parameterizing the scan_types and scan_idsTMC Low executes multiple scans with same configuration successfully
- Testing TMC-SDP long sequence for multiple scans functionality by parameterizing the scan_types and scan_idsTMC Low executes multiple scans with different resources and configurations
- Testing TMC-SDP long sequence for multiple scan functionality by parameterizing new scan_type and new scan_ids
Pair wise testing / Real-CSP
Pair wise testing is way of testing the TMC code with real CSP subsystem in place. using latest test harness implemented.
Commands implemented
To test with tmc_csp execute the command make k8s-test MARK=tmc_csp CSP_SIMULATION_ENABLED=false.
- Testing On command on TMC with Real-CSP in place.Standby
- Testing Standby command on TMC with Real-CSP in place.AssignResources
- Testing AssignResources command on TMC with Real-CSP in place.ReleaseResources
- Testing ReleaseResources command on TMC with Real-CSP in place.Configure
- Testing Configure command on TMC with real CSP controller and CSP Subarrays and mocked/simulated SDP and Mccs subsystems.End
- Testing End command on TMC with real CSP controller and CSP Subarrays and mocked/simulated SDP and Mccs subsystems.Scan
- Testing Scan command on TMC with real CSP controller and CSP Subarrays and mocked/simulated SDP and Mccs subsystems.EndScan
- Testing EndScan command on TMC with real CSP controller and CSP Subarrays and mocked/simulated SDP and Mccs subsystems.Abort
- Testing Abort command on TMC with real CSP controller and CSP Subarrays and mocked/simulated SDP and Mccs subsystems.Restart
- Testing Restart command on TMC with real CSP controller and CSP Subarrays and mocked/simulated SDP and Mccs subsystems.
Pair wise testing / Real-MCCS
Pair wise testing is way of testing the TMC code with real MCCS subsystem in place. using latest test harness implemented.
Commands implemented
To test with tmc_mccs execute the command make k8s-test MARK=tmc_mccs MCCS_SIMULATION_ENABLED=false.
- Testing On command on TMC with Real-MCCS in place.Off
- Testing Off command on TMC with Real-MCCS in place.AssignResources
- Testing AssignResources command on TMC with Real-MCCS in place.ReleaseResources
- Testing ReleaseResources command on TMC with Real-MCCS in place.Configure
- Testing Configure command on TMC with real MCCS controller and MCCS Subarrays and mocked/simulated SDP and CSP subsystems.End
- Testing End command on TMC with real MCCS controller and MCCS Subarrays and mocked/simulated SDP and CSP subsystems.Scan
- Testing Scan command on TMC with real MCCS controller and MCCS Subarrays and mocked/simulated SDP and CSP subsystems.EndScan
- Testing EndScan command on TMC with real MCCS controller and MCCS Subarrays and mocked/simulated SDP and CSP subsystems.
Negative Scenario implemented
HealthState.DEGRADED Scenario
Testing TMC-MCCS to verification of the TelescopeHealthState transition
in the Telescope Monitoring and Control TMC system based on the health state changes of the SDP Controller.
The scenario simulates a telescope setup consisting of Real MCCS, and simulated devices for the CSP and the SDP.
Handling Invalid Station Id in MCCS controller
- The TMC Low Subarray reports the exception triggered by the MCCS controller when it encounters an invalid station ID.Test Error propogation when MCCS subsystem is unavailable
- MCCS Controller report the error when one of the subarray beam is unavailable