TMC Low Deployment

TMC Low deployment comes with following components:

  1. Central Node

  2. Subarray Node

  3. Csp Master Leaf Node

  4. Csp Subarray Leaf Node

  5. Sdp Master Leaf Node

  6. Sdp Subarray Leaf Node

  7. MCCS Master Leaf Node

  8. MCCS Subarray Leaf Node

Configurable options

    1. instances : User can provide the array of device server deployment instances required for node.

    Default for nodes are:

    1. Central Node : [“01”]

    2. Csp Master Leaf Node : [“01”]

    3. Sdp Master Leaf Node : [“01”]

    4. MCCS Master Leaf Node : [“01”]

    1. subarray_count : User can set this subarray count according to number device server deployment instances required for node..

    Default Value is 2.

    1. Subarray Node

    2. Csp Subarray Leaf Node

    3. Sdp Subarray Leaf Node

    4. MCCS Subarray Leaf Node

    1. file : User can provide custom device server configuration file to nodes.Default is configuration files

    1. enabled : User can opt to disable any node by setting this value to False.Default is True for all nodes.

    1. Variables under global section

    1. tmc_subarray_prefix : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN prefix of SubarrayNode.

    2. csp_subarray_ln_prefix : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN prefix of CspSubarrayLeafNode.

    3. sdp_subarray_ln_prefix : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN prefix of SdpSubarrayLeafNode.

    4. csp_master_ln_prefix : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN prefix of CspMasterLeafNode.

    5. sdp_master_ln_prefix : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN prefix of SdpMasterLeafNode.

    6. csp_subarray_prefix : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN prefix of CSP Subarray.

    7. sdp_subarray_prefix : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN prefix of SDP Subarray.

    8. csp_master : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN of CSP Master.

    9. sdp_master : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN of SDP Master.

    10. mccs_master : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN of MCCS Master.

    11. mccs_master_ln_prefix : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN prefix of MCCS Master Leaf Node.

    12. mccs_subarray_prefix : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN prefix of MCCS Subarray.

    13. mccs_subarray_ln_prefix : This value is present under global, User can use this to change the FQDN prefix of MCCS Subarray Leaf Node.

    1. Variables under deviceServers.centralnode section

    1. SkuidService : This refers to the value for SKUID service. Currently defaults to “”.

    2. LivelinessCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the liveliness probe to monitor each device in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    3. EventSubscriptionCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the event subscriber to check the device subscriptions in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    4. CommandTimeOut : This refers to the Timeout (in seconds) for the command execution. Currently defaults to 80 seconds.

    5. AssignResourcesInterface : This refers to the interface value of AsignResources schema. Currently defaults to “”.

    6. ReleaseResourcesInterface : This refers to the interface value of ReleaseResources schema. Currently defaults to “”.

    1. Variables under deviceServers.subarraynode section

    1. CspAssignResourcesInterfaceURL : Interface version for CSP assign resources command. Currently defaults to “

    2. CspScanInterfaceURL : Interface version for CSP scan command. Currently defaults to “

    3. SdpScanInterfaceURL : Interface version for SDP scan command. Currently defaults to “

    4. MccsConfigureInterfaceURL : Interface version for MCCS configure command. Currently defaults to “

    5. MccsScanInterfaceURL : Interface version for MCCS scan command. Currently defaults to “

    6. JonesURI : IURI for Jones Matrix. Currently defaults to “tango://”.

    7. LivelinessCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the liveliness probe to monitor each device in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    8. EventSubscriptionCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the event subscriber to check the device subscriptions in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    9. CommandTimeOut : This refers to the timeout (in seconds) for the command execution. Currently defaults to 70 seconds.

    10. AbortCommandTimeOut : This refers to the timeout for the Subarray ABORTED obsState transition. Once the AbortCommandTimeOut exceeds, SubarrayNode transitions to obsState FAULT. Currently defaults to 40 seconds.

    1. Variables under deviceServers.sdpsubarrayleafnode section

    1. LivelinessCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the liveliness probe to monitor each device in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    2. EventSubscriptionCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the event subscriber to check the device subscriptions in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    3. CommandTimeOut : This refers to the timeout (in seconds) for the command execution. Currently defaults to 50 seconds.

    4. AdapterTimeOut : This refers to the timeout (in seconds) for the adapter creation. This property is for internal use. Currently defaults to 2 seconds.

    1. Variables under deviceServers.sdpmasterleafnode section

    1. LivelinessCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the liveliness probe to monitor each device in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    2. EventSubscriptionCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the event subscriber to check the device subscriptions in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    3. AdapterTimeOut : This refers to the timeout (in seconds) for the adapter creation. This property is for internal use. Currently defaults to 2 seconds.

    1. Variables under deviceServers.cspmasterleafnode section

    1. LivelinessCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the liveliness probe to monitor each device in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    2. EventSubscriptionCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the event subscriber to check the device subscriptions in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    3. AdapterTimeOut : This refers to the timeout (in seconds) for the adapter creation. This property is for internal use. Currently defaults to 2 seconds.

    1. Variables under deviceServers.cspsubarrayleafnode section

    1. DelayCadence : This refers to the time difference (in seconds) between each publication of delay values to the delayModel attribute on the CspSubarrayLeafNode. Currently defaults to 300 seconds.

    2. DelayValidityPeriod : This represents the duration (in seconds) for which delay values remain valid after being published. Currently defaults to 600 seconds.

    3. DelayModelTimeInAdvance : This indicates the time in seconds by which delay values need to be available in advance. Currently defaults to 600 seconds.

    4. PSTDelayCadence : This refers to the time difference (in seconds) between each publication of delay values for the PST beam. Currently defaults to 300 seconds.

    5. PSTDelayValidityPeriod : This represents the duration (in seconds) for which delay values remain valid after being published. Currently defaults to 600 seconds.

    6. PSTDelayModelTimeInAdvance : This indicates the time in seconds by which delay values need to be available in advance. Currently defaults to 600 seconds.

    7. LivelinessCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the liveliness probe to monitor each device in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    8. EventSubscriptionCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the event subscriber to check the device subscriptions in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    9. CommandTimeOut : This refers to the timeout (in seconds) for the command execution. Currently defaults to 50 seconds.

    10. AdapterTimeOut : This refers to the timeout (in seconds) for the adapter creation. This property is for internal use. Currently defaults to 2 seconds.

    1. Variables under deviceServers.mccsmasterleafnode section

    1. LivelinessCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the liveliness probe to monitor each device in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    2. EventSubscriptionCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the event subscriber to check the device subscriptions in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    3. CommandTimeOut : This refers to the timeout (in seconds) for the command execution. Currently defaults to 50 seconds.

    4. AdapterTimeOut : This refers to the timeout (in seconds) for the adapter creation. This property is for internal use. Currently defaults to 2 seconds.

    1. Variables under deviceServers.mccssubarrayleafnode section

    1. LivelinessCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the liveliness probe to monitor each device in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    2. EventSubscriptionCheckPeriod : This refers to the Period (in seconds) for the event subscriber to check the device subscriptions in a loop. Currently defaults to 0.5 seconds.

    3. CommandTimeOut : This refers to the timeout (in seconds) for the command execution. Currently defaults to 50 seconds.

    4. AdapterTimeOut : This refers to the timeout (in seconds) for the adapter creation. This property is for internal use. Currently defaults to 2 seconds.

TMC Low Sub-system FQDN’s

Below are the FQDN’s of the TMC Low components. For updated FQDN’s kindly refer values.yaml in the TMC Low charts.

TMC Low component


Central Node


Subarray Node


CSP Subarray Leaf Node


SDP Subarray Leaf Node


MCCS Subarray Leaf Node


MCCS Master Leaf Node


SDP Master Leaf Node


CSP Master Leaf Node


NOTE{id} is the identifier for the deployed subarray.

For instance, if two subarrays are deployed

Subarray 1 will be:

Subarray Node : ska_low/tm_subarray_node/01

CSP Subarray Leaf Node: ska_low/tm_leaf_node/csp_subarray01

SDP Subarray Leaf Node: ska_low/tm_leaf_node/sdp_subarray01

MCCS Subarray Leaf Node: ska_low/tm_leaf_node/mccs_subarray01

For Subarray 2:

Subarray Node : ska_low/tm_subarray_node/02

CSP Subarray Leaf Node: ska_low/tm_leaf_node/csp_subarray02

SDP Subarray Leaf Node: ska_low/tm_leaf_node/sdp_subarray02

MCCS Subarray Leaf Node: ska_low/tm_leaf_node/mccs_subarray02